What You Water Grows


  • Wooden canvas (we made this one from two 4’x4’ smooth plywood boards)

  • Paint (I used Behr paint 8 oz. sample jars)

  • Painter’s tape (I recommend Frogtape!)

  • Projector (I used the AKASO mini projector)

  • Different sized paintbrushes


I started messing around with my design on paper… I like using transfer paper to add details and change things up as I go. After I was pretty happy with the paper design, I moved to the Procreate app on my iPad pro to experiment with different colors and details. Make sure your Procreate ‘canvas’ is the size of the canvas/wall you’ll be projecting onto.

It’s also nice to lay out paint swatches and swap out different colors to find a color family that you’re into!

I used all sample sizes except for my ‘Beachside Drive’ background… it’s nice to get more of that to cover up any mistakes. I painted the whole background before projecting so my outline would be on top.

I didn’t have a tripod… so stacked up random wooden boards and metal pipes to hold up my projector!


After painting the background color and projecting my design, I taped off all of the letters to get a really straight edge… especially since there was a 3D shadow. I highly recommend Frogtape… and rip it in half so you get 2x the flat edges!

I painted the letters first, then moved onto the shadows on the leaves. I taped up paint swatches on different leaves to decide which I liked best where…

I changed a few of the greens around and added white detailing on each leaf before finishing up! It was such a nice project to work on after work each day… heading down to the barn, blasting music, and painting without a deadline or critiques. <3


Hallway with a View


Playroom Sunshine